





What did our client need?

Zgrani needed a modern system for their database that would contain thousands of actors’ profiles. They couldn’t find any off-the-shelf solution that would suit their filmmaking niche.


What issues did they need to solve?

Issue 1.

extra hours spent on research and looking for new actors who could fit the particular role and requirements

Issue 2.

exhausting work planning and actors categorizing systems

Issue 3.

not clear view of work schedule; large amount of Excel files hard to understand and use

Issue 4.

numerous mistakes rooted in a non-automatic search system

Issue 5.

employees spending time on repetitive tasks, routine and tedious activities instead of creative and profitable errands

Automatization was the main goal.

We’ve built a great tool for scaling organizations. We have added several new features, which can create personalized offers without compromising privacy.


What does the platform do for the agency?

Builds collaborative workflows


Creates lists of potential actors


Filters and selects potential candidates regarding clients’ needs

What did we take care of?


  • Creating the system integrated with the Web app. The system is reachable in many variations, making the brand and its system easier to find by their potential, new clients.


  • Containing the database enriched in additional qualitative data. In any kind of industry, one detail can ruin or grace the final product or result. One important piece of data may affect the company’s profit. The database offers a complete overview of the potential candidates’ features.


  • Enabling multiple filtering options with negative screening. Thanks to many filters and search options for negative screening, the agency may search for the smallest details, traits, and features of the potential candidate. It lets them save time and money on a research phase. Using exclusion lists for example knowing that for this particular role a person with blue eyes will not fit well.


  • Taking care of all sensitive and personal data of actors in a database. We care for cyber security. All the data and information of candidates are safe in our management data system. Personal data, sensitive information, and other requirements are stored in the highly protected and secured database, in accordance with the rules of the GDPR.

Thanks to custom-made technology, we delivered a solution that:

  • shortens employees’ work time spent on research in terms of new actors
  • is innovative thanks to processes’ automatization
  • has an intuitive interface
  • has low entry barriers
  • lets new employee onboarding become brief
  • has a fully automatic, modern work system
  • keeps sensitive information and data safe
  • is focused on the policy of cyber security
  • provides the complexity of new solutions in a plain, simple and understandable version

We have implemented modern technologies which make the database run seamlessly.

These are our top 3 trusted technologies. Based on other projects' experiences we have worked through many techniques, systems, programs, and technologies. Our choice is based on autopsy.


  • Frontend: Vue
  • Backend: Node js
  • Database: MongoDB

How does our help influence the agency’s business?

It reduced the agency employee's time by filtering, selecting the correct profiles, and exporting them to their clients afterward.


But this is not everything, because thanks to our solution:


  • employees have more time for more demanding tasks
  • the system is clear and understandable for all workers which make their work condensed, smart and quick
  • the margin of error is decreasing regarding new actors’ offers
  • the monthly profits and quality of the services are increasing


Can you relate to the above agency’s problems? Do you struggle with some of the issues described? Reach out to us, and let’s see together what we can do for you to increase your business’ profits!

Zgrani showcase

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BrainForge IT Software & Consulting Sp. z o. o. with its headquarter in: 53-125 Wrocław, al. Kasztanowa 3a-5, Poland, VATPL: 8992879435, registered in the Regional Court Wrocław-Fabryczna VI Commercial Division of the National Court Register, registered in the commercial register (KRS) under no. 0000840335, with share capital: 5.000,00 PLN.