

B2B e-commerce product configurator




E-commerce solutions’ background:

It is quite easy to follow a start-up business model, which some DTC companies are following and invest in building a sales team and marketing, without any consideration for the costs, but business owners usually look for more sustainable financial and universal solutions.


There are currently plenty of off-the-shelf e-commerce platforms that could be used to sell basic components of any kind of product, but it is not enough to fulfill more complex and developed business plans.


BrainForge IT came up with the idea of building a custom e-commerce platform with a virtual assistant in the form of a wizard that would guide the sales specialists through the complex sales process. It would also make sure that all the components are compatible and reachable in a stress-free installation.

BrainForge IT’s idea: innovative, universal, and modern.


If you decide to open another distribution channel by building an e-commerce platform it may sound interesting to you.


With the influx of different service providers and wholesalers, platforms have to stand out in terms of guaranteeing the highest quality services for their users.


To help them reach this goal we offer a wizard function to guide sales specialists through the complex sales process.

Which tools did we use for the creation process:

Our team at BrainForge IT utilized Vue.js framework for the user interface, Node.js for the backend and processes, and MongoDB to manage the data, to create an e-commerce platform that comes in the form of an off-the-shelf solution.


This solution helps sales specialists build strong relationships with customers by enabling them to generate reliable project quotes. By using this combination of technologies, we were able to create a powerful tool that is user-friendly and can be easily customized to meet the unique needs of each client.


It shortens the usual track by deleting order processing and items checking phases.

Furthermore, all of it is integrated with the ERP system.

Those technologies allowed us to make sure that our innovative solution will meet the expectations of the most demanding clients and users. They can freely use the application efficiently, no matter if there are hundreds or thousands of available activities in the system.

What makes it a growth zone?

The potential client reduces the time for the whole process significantly by focusing on the automation approach.


This off-the-shelf solution has a huge field to create and develop new functionalities on. It makes it an open gate to grow the company's offer.



Looking for the perfect solution to meet your needs?


Our solution is tailored to fit your unique requirements and exceed your expectations. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level. Contact us today and discover how we can help you achieve your goals!

B2B e-commerce product configurator showcase

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BrainForge IT Software & Consulting Sp. z o. o. with its headquarter in: 53-125 Wrocław, al. Kasztanowa 3a-5, Poland, VATPL: 8992879435, registered in the Regional Court Wrocław-Fabryczna VI Commercial Division of the National Court Register, registered in the commercial register (KRS) under no. 0000840335, with share capital: 5.000,00 PLN.